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Pre-Op Selfie

I held his hand, we said a prayer, then I walked beside him down the halls to the operating room. I kissed him goodbye and quickly wiped tears so he couldn’t see them. He was nervous enough without knowing how nervous I was for him.

Two weeks ago we were told that a kidney transplant was at LEAST 2 years away. We were scheduled to be in OKC on Tuesday to see another specialist to see if they would approve him for both a kidney and pancreas. We had also started the process of seeing transplant facilities in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Texas. We weren’t going down without a fight.

When I got the call 2 weeks ago I was angry because I didn’t understand. Why couldn’t anything go our way?!?! It didn’t take me very long to realize that God had another plan and I just didn’t know what it was. Was he protecting us from something or preparing us for something even better? Whatever it was, I knew I was working in tandem with Him to figure out Plans B, C, D, and E (id continue through the alphabet if needed).

Last night all our prayers were answered in a BIG way. We had officially been listed on transplant list for 144 HOURS….. less than 6 days … and there was a kidney being offered to Kevin. Most people wait at least 144 MONTHS NOT HOURS!! Its literally unheard of!! Even though he’s been on dialysis for 18 months it statistically isn’t even feasible that a kidney only match was made in 144 HOURS!!

So for the next 3-4 hours, if you could take the time to say a prayer for Kevin, his medical team, surgeons holding scalpel, our children, our family, my phone (that battery keeps needing charged), and my sanity we’d greatly appreciate it!!

A functioning kidney will get him off dialysis. I will get my husband back. Our kids will get their dad back!! He will be healthy. We can deal with T1D and hopefully with medical advancements there will be something in the future for that (pancreas only transplant isn’t ruled out it will just be a few years down the road) . The road won’t be easy. Healing and anti-rejection drugs for the rest of his life.

I can’t thank the donor and their family enough for their selfless decision to donate the gift of life. Their decision on their worst day gives our family our husband, father, son, brother, uncle back. I will reach out to their family as soon as HIPPA/UNOS laws allow us to. Please keep the donor family in your thoughts and prayers too. Their world has changed too.

For those that shared our post, it’s VERY well possible that you helped save Kevins life by getting his info in front of somebody who was making the decision to donate organs.

Today’s kidney transplant is 100% by the Grace of God. There is no other explanation.

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